intergenerational equity

A Snapshot of the Experiences of a Young Environmental Defender: Seeking to Reconcile Human Needs and Sustainable Environmental Protection in a Least Developed Country (Ldc)

For more than three decades, the youth in Malawi have been marginalised, in actions that strengthen the climate agenda. Despite the growing awareness of the need for intergenerational equity, being a young environmental defender, especially from a marginalised background, has proven to be challenging. My personal experience is a brief snapshot of the realities of a young environmental defender, seeking to identify barriers and protection gaps in the existing frameworks. And the opportunities that exist within rapid response mechanisms, in providing immediate support to young activists.

PEOPLE POWER: Most Affected People and Areas #MAPA

Imagine, having to suffer for the mistakes of your neighbor. That is how it is with the Climate Crisis. The people who contribute the least to the crisis suffer the most. These are the MAPA - The Most Affected People and Areas. It's time to Act. It starts with Awareness. Then Find your Voice and Highlight the injustices in our communities. You have the Power to Demand Real Action, Drive Change and Impact Positively. People Power!

The Climate Crisis is a Privilege Crisis

Of typhoons, youth movements, privilege, and hypocrisy: a young Filipina's perspective on how the climate crisis is an inequality maximizer for developing countries.

An Arid of Affliction

An Arid of Affliction

11-year-old girl's terrific and memorable experience in an arid land that painfully yet beautifully shaped her destiny. Literally wild yet softened her and her peers to redeem and restore what is left of her source and her roots. A wild journey of restoring and renewing.