
My Journey as an Environmentalist

My story is on how I became and environmentalist. Human actions damage it, and how individuals can help. The essay focuses on individuals because while I and you may not be able to influence international commitments or government actions, we can change our attitudes toward our environment, which spreads to those around us, and I am confident that if over 7 billion people do the same, we will achieve our goal of saving the planet Earth.


Simulizi ya Josephat is a story which talked about a young man who is disabled and can’t hear or see anything. The particular of the story is to remind the policymakers to consider the endorsement of people with disabilities to have an access of information concerning climate change when the disaster occur

Adoptez Un Arbre, Pas Une Arme

Adoptez Un Arbre, Pas Une Arme

Notre histoire est une synthèse de notre programme de rapprochement et de résilience communautaire sur le lien entre l'action climatique et la construction de la paix dans une région instable comme la partie orientale de la RDCongo. Car, nous pensons que sans la paix, tous les efforts déployés pour le développement resteront sans succès dans la région de Grands-lacs.

Adoptez Un Arbre, Pas Une Arme (Copy)

Adoptez Un Arbre, Pas Une Arme (Copy)

Notre histoire est une synthèse de notre programme de rapprochement et de résilience communautaire sur le lien entre l'action climatique et la construction de la paix dans une région instable comme la partie orientale de la RDCongo. Car, nous pensons que sans la paix, tous les efforts déployés pour le développement resteront sans succès dans la région de Grands-lacs.

Conservation Nature in Tanzania

Conservation Nature in Tanzania

From a very young age at the high school level, I had a strong passion for the environment. This is when I started to volunteer under the United nation school club. I continue to gain relevant experience at environmental projects and through wide-ranging involvement with youth environmental organizations, especially the Tanzania youth biodiversity network.

Introducing Next Generation Diplomacy

Next Generation Diplomacy seeks to promote the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals of clean water and sanitation, climate action, and life below water by connecting young community role models to other role models in communities around the world to share environmental cleanup ideas and environmental education resources.

An Arid of Affliction

An Arid of Affliction

11-year-old girl's terrific and memorable experience in an arid land that painfully yet beautifully shaped her destiny. Literally wild yet softened her and her peers to redeem and restore what is left of her source and her roots. A wild journey of restoring and renewing.

La Vie est Belle

Jocelyn Whalen has worked in environmental science for ten years. She has worked in water science, conservation, food security, sustainable agriculture, education and communications and outreach. She wants to inspire youth to connect to nature across the globe.

Religion and Climate Science

Religion and Climate Science

Often religion and science are treated separately and people usually find it hard to buy any idea that is accelerated by the religion. This story is very different and climate ambitious. It best advocates for resolution of climate crisis as primary responsibility of human kinds that should be performed with collective human efforts and best intellectual capacity. Powered by religion and understood by science, this story is unique of its kind.