Climate change

Coffee Planting in a Place Where It Is Not a Drink

Coffee Planting in a Place Where It Is Not a Drink

This story is about coffee planting by a non-coffee-consuming community in Manghe Village, southwestern China. Whereas selling of dried coffee beans has yielded the majority of the income for the local farmers, and this area is said to be the future's largest Yunnan Arabica coffee source for the country, and serving the world's needs, drinking coffee seems a luxury to the locals. While climate change has switched much land use in the higher elevational areas into coffee fields, I wonder if this would also impact the current coffee farming in Manghe and the possible outcome related to deforestation and land conversion.

The Thirsty Fisherman

This is a story of a naturally endowed region of Nigeria, a state likened to a proverbial food basket in which the carrier is starving. It is a short submission of how human activities have through cultural practices inflicted harm on the natural environment (biodiversity). Included in this story is the need to reverse the negative trends and review steps towards achieving sustainable and harmless biodiversity.