Wrapping up NY Climate Week

Wrapping up NY Climate Week

Get the scoop on what the Y4N global youth delegation got up to at New York Climate Week 2023! From panels discussions and mass actions, to UN meetings and concerts, to coffee chats and more, there are so many ways to connect to climate action, to root in the togetherness that we need for systemic change, to build our skills as youth to lead on solutions for climate and nature today and in the future.

Food Systems as a Solution for Our Ecological Crisis: A Collaboration Between “The Farmers I Know” and Youth4Nature

Food Systems as a Solution for Our Ecological Crisis: A Collaboration Between “The Farmers I Know” and Youth4Nature

So far, it seems like the food system and nature are at odds, but producing food doesn’t have to be a climate change driver–or something that causes or accelerates climate change. Regenerative agriculture can be part of the solution to climate change. Learn how by clicking on our blog post!

What Does Resilience Look Like During Our Current Hurricane and Wildfire Season?

What Does Resilience Look Like During Our Current Hurricane and Wildfire Season?

While natural disasters can be unpredictable, especially as climate change continues to increase the frequency and intensity of extreme weather patterns and events, there are actions that we can take as individuals and communities to increase our resilience. This blog shares some information about natural disasters in our home country of the United States, dives into stories of disaster adaptation from youth across North America, and builds your capacity for resilience through preparation and US-specific political action.

The US Presidential Election & Global Climate Policy

The US Presidential Election & Global Climate Policy

Former Vice President Joe Biden was recently projected to be the next President of the United States.

These results have the power to impact not only US policy and culture, but also international policy and global climate change mitigation.

President Donald Trump favors subsidies for fossil fuel giants in coal and gas, while time is running out in the race to lessen the worst effects of climate change. He creates a culture of climate denialism within the US and encourages destructive policies abroad.



Plastics are the newest, most persistent mode of modern-day slavery, or should we call it rightly, “Neocolonialism”? Plastic pollution is as much a menace as the petroleum sources that see it to life. Since the discovery of fossil fuels and the extraction of oil to power global economies, human consumption has increased just as the need to produce more and more plastic products skyrocketed….