Julia Bethe

Julia Bethe

Y4N Role: Global Ambassador
French, English & intermediate Spanish (and rudimentary Mandarin)
Fun Fact: 
Julia’s favorite time of the week is when the sun is out in the late afternoon, and she can join her friends to eat cheese and drink red wine along the Seine River in Paris while talking until dawn.

Julia Bethe is a climate and nature nexus specialist from France. She holds two Bachelors degrees in History and Biology from Sorbonne University and learned more about sustainable development in the first year of her Master's. She recently graduated from a Climate, Land Use, and Ecosystem Services Master of AgroParisTech University in Paris and studied the Health Effects of Climate Change during an online course from Harvard University. She now works on the topic of stakeholders engagement at the European Biodiversity Partnership and provides support to science-society-policy interfacing activities

At Youth4Nature, she brings her expertise on specific topics such as Nature-based solutions, the private sector actions related to nature, agriculture and food security, and international climate negotiations.

Julia loves to be on the move all the time, getting into new adventures and meeting new people. She is often on the move to discover new places, be it countries or landscapes with unique biodiversity and full of hiking potential. 

When Julia is not actively working on nature and climate change-related issues, she is always chatting with her friends about European Antique and Medieval social History anecdotes that are her second passion.

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