
PolleNectar: Vol. #YourStoryOurFuture ISSUE 4

PolleNectar: Vol. #YourStoryOurFuture ISSUE 4

“What a joy to share with you our fourth issue, and receive once again your attention and feedback. We hope that your contribution and engagement can plug us into the power of change even further.”

Reflections from North America, Latin America & Caribbean (Abya Yala), lessons on composting, highlights of our volunteer team at #Y4N, and more in this issue of PolleNectar. Dive in!

PolleNectar: Vol. #YourStoryOurFuture ISSUE 2 & 3

PolleNectar: Vol. #YourStoryOurFuture ISSUE 2 & 3

New Release! Are you looking for stories about solutions, collaboration, and leadership for climate and for nature? Look no further! 'PolleNectar', our brand new #Y4NStorytelling Magazine, is officially out! The first volume, #YourStoryOurFuture, aligns with Y4N's ongoing Storytelling Campaign of the same name. We hope you enjoy this first release! Let us know what you think in the comments and on social media!

PolleNectar: Vol. #YourStoryOurFuture ISSUE 1

PolleNectar: Vol. #YourStoryOurFuture ISSUE 1

New Release! Are you looking for stories about solutions, collaboration, and leadership for climate and for nature? Look no further! 'PolleNectar', our brand new #Y4NStorytelling Magazine, is officially out! The first volume, #YourStoryOurFuture, aligns with Y4N's ongoing Storytelling Campaign of the same name. We hope you enjoy this first release! Let us know what you think in the comments and on social media!

NEW Special Call for Stories: Vulnerability, Loss & Resilience

NEW Special Call for Stories: Vulnerability, Loss & Resilience

We are looking for personal narratives that focus on intersectional vulnerability, illustrate solutions related to vulnerability, loss & resilience, and highlight youth stories from climate-vulnerable & biodiversity-rich communities.

Submit between July 16 and August 8 for your chance to win one of four prizes!

Leadership des jeunes pour les solutions d'adaptation fondées sur la nature

Leadership des jeunes pour les solutions d'adaptation fondées sur la nature

En avance du Sommet mondial sur l'adaptation, Youth4Nature et le Réseau mondial de la jeunesse pour la biodiversité - Mexique, avec le soutien d'Environnement et changement climatique Canada (ECCC) et du volet d'action de la Commission mondiale sur l'adaptation, ont organisé un événement pour discuter des opportunités et des défis liés à l'extension de la mise en œuvre des solutions fondées sur la nature (SfN) et de l'ABE (approaches basée sur les écosystèmes).