Storyteller Interviews

Entrevue avec Lydia Halidi, Conteur de Y4N 2019

Entrevue avec Lydia Halidi, Conteur de Y4N 2019

Lydia Halidi des Comores Anjouan nous a rejoint pour en discutons sa travaille dans sa communauté pour en faire face à la crise climatique. Écoutez à l’entrevue entière pour en savoir plus sur son projet, ses espoirs pour le futur, et la résilience dans sa communauté. La transcription est disponible en français ou en anglais.

Interview with Iryna Kondratenko, 2019 Y4N Storyteller

Interview with Iryna Kondratenko, 2019 Y4N Storyteller

As part of our new #YourStoryOurFuture campaign, we recently sat down to chat with 2019 #Y4N Storyteller, Iryna. Listen to this full length interview to hear more about her project, the benefits of sharing her story with the #Y4N community, and why she thinks it's important for other youth to get involved in climate action.

Interview with Esmeralda Wirtz, 2019 Y4N Storyteller

Interview with Esmeralda Wirtz, 2019 Y4N Storyteller

Last week we sat down to chat with 2019 Storyteller, Esmeralda, author of Un tout petit écosystème | A Tiny Ecosystem. Esmeralda shared that since she launched her urban composting project, three more projects have opened in other neighbourhoods across the municipality. Talk about the ripple effect!

Listen to our full interview with Esmeralda to learn more about her project, what has happened since the compost launched, and why it's important for youth to share their stories. Find the transcript here.