Tomiwa Oluwajuwon

Tomiwa Oluwajuwon

Role: Global Ambassador
Location: Nigeria
Pronouns: He/Him/His
Languages: English, Spanish (Basic)
Favourite Quote: “Winners never quit and quitters never win” by Vince Lombardi

Tomiwa Oluwajuwon is Nigerian-born forestry, conservation and environmental researcher and academic. He is a climate change and environmental sustainability enthusiast, who has volunteered with and for several environmental organisations and projects, respectively – including Global Landscape Forum Africa, IFSA-LC, Aula Verde in Spain, GreenWithGrin in Nigeria. He is currently an ambassador and a steering committee member of Climate Cymru, Wales where he actively contributes to promoting the campaign against climate and nature emergencies in Wales; also managing her social media to facilitating an increased record of voices across all demographies of Welsh society towards the UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26)

Tomiwa is a multi-award winning scholar, including two-time Erasmus. He’s currently undertaking a Joint Master Degree from Bangor University, UK and Dresden University, Germany, where he majors in Sustainable Tropical Forestry. His broad professional interests lie in sustainable forest management, remote sensing/GIS and inventory in forestry, biodiversity conservation, sustainable development, and climate studies & advocacy. His career in Forestry has been instrumental in leading educational platforms on the importance of expanding global and local forest base and carbon sequestration to CCMA (climate change mitigation and adaption) strategies. 

He currently supports the works of Youth4Nature as a Global Ambassador, under the auspices of the African region and the Storytelling Programme. Besides, Tomiwa takes interest and solace in social welfare (as he co-founded ‘Grace Network Foundation’ charity), writing, surfing & researching, editing, mentoring, touring, chatting and making new connections. You can connect with Tomiwa via LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter.