The Quintessence of Me

The Quintessence of Me

by Hana Begovic (Earth Advocacy Youth)

Image’s quote

Many times, people use the word "Nature" to refer to a place where they feel peace, relaxation, and connection to their inner selves. Away from busy life. I believe there is much more to it. A week ago, I was walking through a forest with trees in all autumn colours you can imagine. I heard the dry leaves crunch below my feet and the birds chirp. My brisk walking pace slowed down and for just a moment, I stopped, closed my eyes, and listened to the melodies of the wind passing through the forest. I started yawning, not from boredom but from a deep feeling of safety, sanctuary, and peace.

Suddenly, I became aware of the weight of my feet on the uneven surface below. I began feeling the wind caressing my cheek, just slightly. Just like that, I felt connected to the life around me of which I am part. I could see my relationship with the Earth in my mind, like thousands and thousands of invisible glowing threads connecting me with every bush, tree, human, water droplet from the morning rain.

Then, a humble reminder filled my being: I am Nature too. It is the quintessence of me.


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Hana Begovic (she/her) is from Sweden and is a strategic coordinator, project leader and storyteller with the mission to contribute to tangible and positive impact for the holistic well-being of the Earth's living systems. She is a dedicated, curious and down-to-Earth person with a deep interest in Earth Jurisprudence. Hana holds a degree in Global Studies, a program uniting peace and development research, global gender studies, human ecology, human rights studies and social anthropology. Hana is the Director of Earth Advocacy Youth ( and an expert member of the United Nations Harmony with Nature Knowledge Network.