NEW BEGINNING Project - Eyoon Shabah Organization


by Eyoon Shabah Organization*

New beginning is a project aimed at promoting and maintaining Social youth Development. What the project mainly stands for and hopes to eventually succeed in achieving is creating a new concept of living and coexistence amongst various categories in the society. That is, the project seeks to create a concept of recycling ranging from food to include job opportunities and the re-use of surplus materials around us to create a continuous, healthy and developing society. The project is meant to target a specific geographical area as well as specific categories of individuals.

*Story submitted by Taha Mohammed Ahmed Muthanna (lead; pictured below), Othman Mohammed Naji & Omar Al Maqtary.


Eyoon shabah has so far been an active youth initiative since its foundation in 2008 with a mission of rising awareness on the importance of social development and volunteering.

The initiative follows examples of other countries which hold high significance to volunteer and social work. These have been among the main drivers of the country's development and high education level.

The Initiative has been involved in organization and participation of community events like the Special Olympics and world water day. It has also carried out volunteer activities and projects like 'Min Jadeed' which basically means new beginnings. Min Jadeed has three different recycling campaigns that are being successfully implemented.